What is a garage bar? A garage bar, if done well, will make your marginally used utility or vehicular storage space into the epicenter of social gatherings on your street or in your neighborhood.
A garage bar has no limits and can be a healthy combination of style and utility. The design style and themes are endless and reflect your imagination, your style and for a lack of better a term a reflection of you.

Garage Bar Frequently Asked Questions
What Are the Garage Bar Design Rules?
The only rule is there are no design rules. The only limititation of your garage bar are the limit of your imagination, time, and budget.
How Elaborate Does My Garage Bar Need to Be?
Your personal garage bar can be as simple as a piece of plywood on a stand with a rarely used blender and your old refrigerator. Or it can be an additional room that was never previously even considered to be utilized as a social gathering hub for friends and family.
What Design Inspirations Should I Use?
- We suggest starting with your favorite hobby or your favorite past time.
- What do you like to do when you’re not working or during your off hours?
- What do you typically do on the weekends for fun?
- Are you a collector of a certain type of memorabilia?
- Is there a certain period that you like the most, say the 1920’s Jazz Age or the 1950’s?
- Is there a particular sport you like the most?
- Are you an outdoor enthusiast that likes to kayak, cycling, or surfing?
Where Do I Begin?
Well, you’ve come to the right place. We’re only scratching the surface of ideas, products, design styles, and provide inspiration for your new garage bar. Here are a few to get your creative juices flowing!
Tiki Themed Garage Bar
You’re sitting in the shade under a canopy made of palm frocks. Your view beyond your favorite bar keep is a crystal blue ocean lapping at the shore. The trade winds are blowing through keeping you cool. The sounds of Hawaiian music fade in and out amidst the clamor of the crowd. Beyond, the smell of coconut suntan oil is emanating from the beachgoers who are baking in the sun. Meanwhile you’re sipping your favorite boozy tropical flavored cocktail from a glass with a mildly upset looking tiki man. This is the atmosphere and ‘Spirit of Aloha’ we think of when helping you create a Tiki Theme in your Garage Bar.
The Origin of the Tiki Bar
The origin of the Tiki Bar varies depending on the source you use; however, most believe the original tiki bar was Don the Beachcomber created in 1933 in Hollywood by Ernest Gantt. Mr. Gantt would later, as the tiki bar rage flourished, would go on to change his name to ‘Donn Beach’. His original bar was decorated with artifacts – palm trees, tiki masks, etc. – he found on early trips to the tropics prior to World War II. After the War, Donn moved to Hawaii and established a beachside tiki bar, the Waikiki Beach, that provided its patrons with the sights, sounds, and flavors of the South Pacific. At Donn’s bars, the famous tiki bar drinks such as the Zombie and the Sumatra Kula were created.
We can’t discuss the origins of the Tiki Bar without mentioning the famous Trader Vic’s. Originally created by Victor Bergeron in 1936, in Oakland, California. Trader Vic’s gave birth to the Mai Tail cocktail in 1944. Eventually, the Bergeron family would go on to franchise the bar and various other tiki inspired bar gear that we immediately recognize today when the words “tiki bar” are uttered. The original Trader Vic’s no longer exists, but there are various locations around the world that still exist today.
Home Tiki Bars
Home tiki bars were built after the wave of commercially viable and popular Tiki Bars. People realized they wanted to bring home the spirit of the larger tiki bars and the spirit of the tropics to their place of residence. Home tiki bars serve as a themed place of gathering to share and serve home-crafted cocktails and show off one’s tiki collection of mugs and other Polynesian themed or inspired artifacts.
Sports Themed Garage Bar
Game Day is approaching! You’ve got the jersey cleaned, your internet connection has been tested and retested. You’ve got your Jumbotron TV ready to go! Now, all you need is a place to have your favorite fanboys and fangirls over to share the game with. Name a better place to have your game day social gatherings than in your own personal Sports Themed in your Garage Bar.
Regardless of what sport our fancy the most. Regardless of what team is your favorite. Nothing screams fandom like a one-of-a-kind sports themed garage bar. Complete with all your favorite memorabilia of that moment in your favorite team’s history that to this day you talk about every time you get together with friends and fans to watch a game. Where better to have your tchotchke palace located than in your decked-out sports themed garage bar!
Why Have a Sports Themed Bar in Your Garage
Sports themed basements, dens, living rooms, and man caves have been around since the dawn of modern-day sports. Who hasn’t spent an entire day in your friends or family member’s basement or living room watching the pre-game shows, the game, and the post-game wrap up? The beauty of the transforming your underutilized, cobweb filled, octane smelling garage into your own sports viewing palace is the size, the destination aspect, the expandability for larger guest counts into the driveway, and the ability to incorporate outdoor activities into your personal, permanent tailgating wonder dome!
Give Me a ‘For Instance’
Imagine if you will! You’ve taken great care to transform you under privileged garage into a sports fan zone. You’ve got your favorite sports team memorabilia collection in full display; a collection that rivals any Hall of Fame you can imagine. In your personal sports themed garage bar you’ve multiple television screens streaming the game – one behind our bar, one by your pool table, one in your living/seating area, and even one outside on the wall of your garage so you don’t miss a play.
It’s game day. The weather is perfect – sunny with a chance of whooping some ass! Your favorite brew and adult spirits are flowing at your garage bar. You have more guests and fellow fans show up than expected. No worries. You pop open your garage door and the fun can extend into your driveway with no sweat. Your guests are mingling in and outside of the garage with room to celebrate each time your team scores a point.
Without fail, a pick-up game of basketball in the driveway or touch football in your adjacent backyard will inevitably happen. The key point is – you’re prepared. Your sports themed garage bar is a mecca for fans, friends, family, and your neighbors.
Route 66 Themed Garage Bar
If you’re longing for the by-gone era of driving across the country on the ‘Mother Highway’ known as Route 66, then consider themeing your garage bar to honor this historic route across the United States of America.
The Route 66 themeing possibilities are endless for your garage bar. With a plethora of vintage and reproduction memorabilia available, you can turn your bland garage into a highly themed Historic Route 66 Mecca that can be shared with your friends and neighbors.